1. Island Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited a company registered in England and Wales at 4 Pancras Square, London, N1 4AG (“UMO”) is the administrator (“Administrator”) of this promotion relating to celebrating stories of joy (“Promotion”) and operates the website located at www.joyanon.com (“Website”). The Website relates the musical artist professionally known as Joy Anonymous (“Artist”).

2. The Promotion is open to anyone who is over the age of 18 and who is a legal resident of the country, province, or territory where he/she/they reside.

3. Provided you are eligible to you are invited to submit a story of joy either in the form of written text, a photo or a voice message (“Story”) which will be displayed on a map of the world on the Website. Access to the Internet is required to submit a Story.

4. By submitting Story to the Website, you confirm that they are eligible to do so and submit to the terms and conditions as outlined herein. The Administrator may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to submit a Story to the Website and reserves the right to take any submissions down if you are not able to do so.

5. To submit Story to the Website, you upload a Story where indicated on the initial page of the Website by either uploading (i) a message where ‘text’ is indicated; (ii) a sound clip where ‘voice’ is indicated; or (iii) an image where ‘photo’ is indicated. You will also be required to name the location where the Story was experienced where ‘city’ is indicated and click the arrow to submit.

6. You may add your first name to your Story if you wish to do so but first name is not required in order to submit a Story for the Website.  If you submit your first name with your Story, it may be displayed to the public with your Story on the map as contained on the Website.

7. By submitting a Story, you agree that Administrator has no obligation to post or publish your Story, that all such postings or publication, if any, will be at Administrator’s sole discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge that, by posting your Story on the Website, your Story and first name (if provided) will be publicly visible Website and that Administrator and Artist are not responsible for any other use of your Story by third parties. Your Story (and if provided, first name) will not be held “in confidence” and a submission does not create a confidential relationship or obligation of secrecy between you and the Administrator or Artist. 

8. The Website will be live from 3rd September 2021. Your Story and if provided your first name may stay on the Website for as long as the Website is active. You agree to grant us a worldwide, irrevocable licence to use, display, publish, copy, transmit, store, reformat, edit and alter your Story for the purposes of displaying your Story on the Website as outlined in these terms.

9. The Administrator is not responsible for (i) lost, late, incomplete, invalid, or misdirected Stories, including those that are unintelligible, which will not be accepted; (ii) any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions of any kind, related to the Website or otherwise, or; (iii) inaccurate transmission of or failure to receive the Story by us on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or the Website.

10.   By submitting a Story, you confirm and agree your Story complies with the following content guidelines: 

Submissions cannot:

·   Contain information or images of a third party without their express permission, or contain any private or personal information

·   Contain nudity of any kind or be sexually explicit or suggestive; obscene; derogatory of any ethnicity, race, gender, or religion sexual preference, disability or age group or profane or pornographic or or in contravention of any criminal offence

·   Be offensive, or endorse any form of hate or hate group

·   Promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), or any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous.

·   Defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about Artist, the Administrator, or any other people and/or companies

·   Contain any use of trademarks, logos, copyrighted materials owned by others as determined by Administrator or contain any personal identification.

·   Communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which Administrator and/or Artist wishes to associate.

  Submissions must:

·   Be original and solely created by you. It is your responsibility to obtain, prior to submission, the approval and rights to use any content that you did not create.

·   Not have been previously published, submitted, or otherwise used for any other commercial purpose.

The Administrator reserves the right to remove any submissions that do not comply with these content guidelines.

11.   If you are happy for the Administrator to contact you about your submission, you can provide your email address when you submit your Story but this is optional. You are not required to provide your email address in order to submit your Story.

12.   Any personal data you provide when submitting your Story will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy which you can read here: https://www.umusic.co.uk/privacy.html

13.   If you wish to withdraw your Story you may do so by emailing dan.sullivan@umusic.com or writing to Island Records, a division of Universal Music, 4 Pancras Square, London, N1C 4AG.  The Administrator will use all reasonable endeavours to promptly remove any Stories that are validly disputed in accordance with this provision.

14.   By submitting an entry to the Website, you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. The Administrator reserves the right to refuse to submit Story or to remove a Story of anyone in breach of these terms and conditions.

15.   The Administrator reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Website where it becomes necessary to do so.16.   These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.